Volume 13, Issue 2 (August 2018)


Research Articles


Microhabitat Selection by Western Toads (Anaxyrus boreas) [Supplementary Information]

Constance L. Browne and Cynthia A. Paszkowski

Long-term Spotlight Surveys of American Alligators in Mississippi, USA

Bradley A. Strickland, Francisco J. Vilella, and Ricky D. Flynt

Efficient Estimation of Amphibian Clutch Size Using Image Analysis of Compressed Globular Egg Masses

Andrew D. Moraga and Erik Pervin

Low Mitochondrial DNA Variability in the Captive Breeding Population of the Critically Endangered Orinoco
Crocodile (Crocodylus intermedius) from Colombia

Carolina Posso-Peláez, Carolina Ibáñez, and Paul Bloor

Population Ecology of the Freshwater Turtle Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Testudines: Chelidae)

Elizângela Silva Brito, Richard C. Vogt, Rafael Martins Valadão, Leonardo Fernandes França, Jerry Penha, and
Christine Strüssmann

Population Structure and Natural History of Creaser’s Mud Turtle (Kinosternon creaseri) in Central Yucatána

Rodrigo Macip-Ríos, Michael T. Jones, Lisabeth L. Willey, Thomas S. Akre, Erika González-Akre, and Luis F. Díaz-Gamboa

No Safe Space: Prevalence and Distribution of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Amphibians in a Highly-
Protected Landscape

Charles W. Robinson, Stacy A. McNulty, and Valorie R. Titus

Within-Spring Movement of the Georgetown Salamander (Eurycea naufragia)

Areli M. Gutierrez, Samuel T. Guess, and Benjamin A. Pierce

Age, Body Size, and Growth of Boana cordobae (Anura: Hylidae) Along an Elevational Gradient in Argentina

Mariana Baraquet, Manuel Alejandro Otero, Julián Alonso Valetti, Pablo Raúl Grenat, and Adolfo Ludovico Martino

Life in Skinny Water: Observations of Juvenile Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) Utilizing Shallow
Water Habitats

Will Selman

Effects of Traditional Beliefs Leading to Conservation of Water Monitor Lizards (Varanus salvator) and
Threatened Marshlands in West Bengal, India

Shreya Bhattacharya and André Koch

Exploring The Role of Artificial Lighting in Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) Nest-Site Selection and
Hatchling Disorientation

James T. Price, Bruce Drye, Rebecca J. Domangue, and Frank V. Paladino

A New, Noninvasive Method of Batch-Marking Amphibians Across Developmental Stages
[Supplementary Information]

A. Z. Andis

Population Trends in Mojave Desert Tortoises (Gopherus agassizii)

Linda J. Allison and Ann M. McLuckie

Habitat Preferences of Breeding Amphibians in Eastern Spain

Ángel Gálvez, Donald T. McKnight, and Juan S. Monrós

Habitat Use and Movements in an Upland Population of Johnstone River Snapping Turtles, Elseya irwini

Alastair B. Freeman, Carla Eisemberg, and Henry Stoetzel

Methodological Development for HDF Tracking in Salamanders

Amaël Borzée, Ye Inn Kim, Kyungmin Kim, and Yik weon Jang

Impact of Laying Date and Fire Ants on Hatchlings of Chelonoidis porteri on Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos,

Nina Wauters, Wouter Dekoninck, Zoltan T. Nagy, and Denis Fournier

Pivotal Temperature and Hatchling Sex Ratio of Olive Ridley Sea Turtles Lepidochelys olivacea from the South
Atlantic Coast of Brazil

Vinicius D. Castheloge, Marcelo Renan de D. dos Santos, Jaqueline C. de Castilhos, Paulo Roberto de J. Filho, Levy de C.
Gomes, Rute Beatriz G. Clemente-Carvalho, and Paulo D. Ferreira